GCC 24 HR Trading Activity

📡 Address: 0x092aC429b9c3450c9909433eB0662c3b7c13cF9A

🔗 Chain ID: 56

💰 Price (USD): 0.017167

📊 24h Price Change (USD): 0.018493

📅 7d Price Change (USD): 0.019513

🏦 Total Reserve (USD): 5873.83

💹 Circulating Supply (USD): 16366.58

📈 24h Trading Volume (USD): 0.85032

📈 GCC Traded Volume (GCC): 49.53365

🏆 Reward to Token Holders (1% of Traded Volume): 0.495337 GCC

🏅 Reward to NFT Holders (1% of Traded Volume): 0.495337 GCC

🌐 Market Cap (USD): 16366.58

📊 Trades in the last 24h: 12